Crestron + Joan
Simplify room booking with Joan and Crestron integration

Intuitive meeting room booking solutions from Joan integrate seamlessly with Crestron devices, elevating workplace efficiency. Simplify meeting room management by preventing double bookings, avoiding interruptions, automatically canceling unattended meetings, and identifying underutilized spaces.

Intuitive design

Intuitive design

Customize the scheduler with your company’s logo and see meeting room name, capacity, availability, and upcoming meetings with time and duration. Very clear and easy to use.

Update instantly within your existing calendar system

Update instantly within your existing calendar system

View and book available rooms directly from your calendar, streamlining the booking process and ensuring that your team can find and book the right space for their meetings and events.

Book in advance or on the go

Book in advance or on the go

You have options: integrate with your calendar, book directly from the scheduler or through the Joan app. No matter how you book, all reservations are instantly synced and visible on the Crestron scheduler.

Get into the data with analytics

Get into the data with analytics

See room utilization rates, track the number of meetings and time spent on meetings. View weekly meeting patterns, identify popular and underperforming rooms, and see who books the most meetings, and how many meetings are ghost meetings/no shows.

Enjoy all-in-one workplace management

Enjoy all-in-one workplace management

Make work easier with Joan’s variety of workplace management solutions, including desk sharing, asset reservations, and visitor management, all consolidated in one platform.

Learn more about Joan