Virtual Touchpanel for Computers
This product has been discontinued. Please contact Crestron True Blue Support at 1-888-CRESTRON for a replacement solution or more information.
Transform any computer into a virtual Crestron® touchpanel—including the iMac® and MacBook®.
Please see the XPanel product page for latest information.
Transform any computer into a virtual Crestron® touchpanel—including the iMac® and MacBook®. Take control of your Crestron system from any Mac® around the home, office, classroom, or world. Effortlessly bring touchpanels to the desktop of Mac OS® X with native Crestron support. Augment existing systems to add more control in more places, or use any sleek Mac as a main control interface, making a complete control solution extremely affordable. There's no need for Windows® software emulators or advanced programming. Simply click on XPanel for Mac® for a complete Crestron experience right on your Mac.
XPanel for Mac is a software application which runs on the Mac and connects to any Crestron
2-Series control system or Prodigy Central Controller. Through a secure Ethernet connection, XPanel for Mac sends and receives data to and from the control system based on user commands. A customized XPanel for Mac data file resides on the control system (like a web page). This translates into an experience as simple as using a touchpanel.
At Home
- Control lights, climate, music & more from the Mac® desktop
- Extend total home control to the office without the need of an additional touchpanel
- Retain the same look that exists on other touchpanels around the house
In the Classroom
- Use existing Mac® in the classroom to control the projector, audio, and lights
- Connect more classrooms today using software application; add touchpanels or keypads as budget allows
- Password protection keeps unwanted users from controlling system
Native VT Pro-e® Support
XPanel for Mac® is natively supported in VT Pro-e® for quick and easy creation of virtual touchpanels. Save even more time and keep a professional look and feel using VT Pro-e themes which pre-define buttons, colors, and fonts. Transform existing touchpanel layouts for iPhone® or iPod touch® into XPanel for Mac and provide the same look, feel, & functionality on the desktop that is on the handheld device. XPanel for Mac provides a solution to create virtual touchpanels for the Mac directly within the Crestron GUI software tools.
Key Features
- Use any Mac® as a virtual Crestron touchpanel
- Native Mac OS® support; does not require Windows® emulation
- Create virtual touchpanel right in VT Pro-e®
Minimum System Requirements |
| Apple® Mac® with Intel processor; Ethernet port |
| Mac OS® X v10.5 or later |
| 20 MB available disk space |
Control System Requirements |
| 2-Series Control System with Ethernet or Prodigy® Central Controller |
Crestron Software Requirements (for configuration) |
| VT Pro-e® v4.0.18 |
| SIMPL Windows v2.11.27.00 |
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Marketing Resources
Junoon Case Studies
Located in the heart of New York City, Junoon is a modern Indian restaurant that brings together a team of chefs, managers and designers to showcase the glories of Indian culture. Crestron lighting and audio control solutions enhance the ambiance at the upscale restaurant.
The Helsingborg Arena Case Studies
The Helsingborg Arena opened its doors late last year for the first of many sporting events to be hosted in the facility. The arena features a Crestron system to handle both the AV and lighting control systems throughout the arena, including three gymnasiums, seating areas for up to 5,500 spectators, and several foyers, bars and restaurants.
NASA Radiological Control Center Case Studies
If the most critical part of your mission lasts only 50 seconds,the right technology can make the difference. When NASAlaunches a vehicle that includes a radioisotope power source,the first crucial seconds of the launch must be monitored bythe NASA Radiological Control Center (RADCC), which isresponsible for monitoring, and coordinating protective actionsin the unlikely event of a launch accident that releasesradioactive material in the launch area. The job of RADCC scientists became a lot easier in Novemberwhen the Mars Science Lab lifted off from the Kennedy SpaceCenter. This was the first mission using a newly redesignedand reconfigured RADCC, with a complicated array of newtechnology made simple and seamless thanks to the Crestroncontrol system.
Crestron Asia Experience Center Case Studies
Located in Shanghai, the Crestron Asia Experience Center provides integrators, architects and designers with fully functional rooms to host customers and demonstrate the latest Crestron products. The Experience Center features a simulated hotel suite, digital boardroom and a comprehensive trainingroom.