Automate VX Pro System Series 2 Voice-Activated, Multi-Camera Switching Solution

The IV-SAM-VX2-P Automate VX Pro is a voice-activated camera switching solution that brings the full multicamera studio experience to meetings, town halls, and classrooms. Crestron 1 Beyond cameras automatically switch based on the location of the active speaking participant.

The IV-SAM-VX2-P Automate VX Pro is a voice-activated camera switching solution that brings the full multicamera studio experience to meetings, town halls, and classrooms. Crestron 1 Beyond cameras automatically switch based on the location of the active speaking participant. Visual AI enhanced camera switching intelligently frames camera shots with the participants centered. Automate VX Pro comes with built-in recording and streaming capability along with outputs for video conferencing.

Production Quality Camera Shots
See who is speaking with close-up camera shots. Clean production-style camera switching provides a more engaging experience for remote participants or viewers.

High Definition Video for Conferencing
Connect 12x and 20x optical zoom Crestron 1 Beyond Cameras via 3G-SDI or NDI®|HX for high quality video output resolutions. Provide uncompressed high definition video through your conferencing codec of choice with the included SDI to USB-A 3.0 converter.

AutoFraming and Reframing with Visual AI
Visual AI directs Crestron 1 Beyond optical zoom cameras to automatically center participants in camera shots via AutoFraming. Reframing continuously keeps the participant centered in the camera shot — even when the participant moves from their initial position.

Voice-Activated Switching
Voice-activated switching uses data from the room microphones to locate the active speaking participant and change camera shots accordingly. Multiple microphone types are supported, including intelligent array microphones, wired and wireless microphones, and discussion systems.

No Code Configuration with Visual Designer
The Room Designer tool provides the ability to design and configure meeting spaces. The browser interface is used to create and visualize designs to accommodate the room’s requirements, and to determine optimal placement of cameras and microphones. Set the desired camera switching experience graphically - no coding or camera presets required.

Adapts to Room Sizes and Uses
Cameras can be located throughout the room for best camera angles. Room configurations can be set to accommodate different furniture layouts with a single button push.

Professional Services
The 1 Beyond Automate system requires the purchase of 1 Beyond Camera Systems Remote Professional Services. Remote Professional Services provides dedicated technical support for the remote deployment of Automate VX Voice Activated Multi Camera Switching Solutions.

Visit IV-PROSERVICE-1B for details.

NOTE: For Crestron Intelligent Video Certified Engineers (IVC-E) planning to self deploy and self validate a purchased Automate VX system, the purchase of Remote Professional Services is optional, subject to verification by Crestron. Visit IV‑PROSERVICE‑1B for details.

Custom Layouts
Combine multiple sources, superimpose titles and add custom graphics. A graphical user interface allows for custom layouts, not just picture‑in‑picture or side‑by‑side.

Native Crestron Control and REST API
Enable autoswitching, activate Scenarios, record/stream, change room configurations or layouts and more from your preferred control interface. An adaptable API is available for customizable user interfaces on third-party control systems. For more information about the API for Automate VX, refer to the Automate VX API documentation.

Conference, Stream, and Record
In addition to high quality output for hard or soft codecs, the system has a built-in encoder and recorder to enable RMTP streaming with 316 GB of storage for local program and ISO recording. Automated copy available to network and cloud storage.

Key Features
  • Provides automatic camera switching based on the active speaking participant
  • Switches between multiple cameras for broadcast-style production
  • Supports 7 SDI or 12 NDI|HX® sources; outputs SDI and NDI streams
  • Intelligent video algorithm follows the conversation, avoiding excessive camera switching
  • Simple configuration with the browser-based Room Designer tool
  • Visual AI autoframes and reframes to capture the best camera shots
  • Built in encoder and recorder for live streams and video recording
  • Customizable video layouts to accommodate video conferencing needs

This product may be purchased from select authorized Crestron dealers and distributors. To find a dealer or distributor, please contact the Crestron sales representative for your area. A list of sales representatives is available online at www.crestron.com/How-To-Buy/Find-a-Representative or contact us for additional information by visiting www.crestron.com/contact/our-locations for your local contact.

The original language version of this document is U.S. English.

All other languages are a translation of the original document.

The product warranty can be found at www.crestron.com/warranty.

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Certain Crestron products contain open source software. For specific information, please visit www.crestron.com/opensource.

Crestron and the Crestron logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Crestron Electronics, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Dante is either a trademark or a registered trademark of Audinate Pty Ltd. in the United States and/or other countries. HDMI is either a trademark or registered trademark of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft Teams is either a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. NDI is either a trademark or a registered trademark of NewTek, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. USB Type-A and USB Type-B are either trademarks or registered trademarks of USB Implementers Forum, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. DisplayPort is either a trademark or registered trademark of Video Electronics Standards Association in the United States and/or other countries. Zoom Rooms is either a trademark or registered trademark of Zoom Video Communications, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other trademarks, registered trademarks, and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Crestron disclaims any proprietary interest in the marks and names of others. Crestron is not responsible for errors in typography or photography. Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2024 Crestron Electronics, Inc.


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